Tuesday, November 2, 2010

catching up.

So.... It took us about three hours to create our blog. Who would have known that finding the right background would be so impossible!  After those three hours of changing our minds over and over we finally landed on one we liked (for the time being) and I wrote our first blog post!! Two months later... i'm writing our second blog post :) Therefore I figure it's time to get rolling and catch everyone up on our lives together!

After our amazing wedding, my evan and i jetted to Maui, Hawaii!
We spent our days playing in the waves, laying by the pool, and well... repeating!

One of our favorite evenings was when we went to a romantic dinner (with the sun setting over the ocean) at Nick's Fish Market.  The food was delicious, and so was my date :)

After a week in paradise, we headed back to reality and our cozy apartment in Provo, UT. Boy oh boy, we sure had to get back into the swing of things faaaast!  Evan started school, and training for tennis, and I've been working full time.

Evan was named team captain this year by his coaches! It's so exciting! And it has been so cool to watch him embrace that leadership role. He has been working so hard and I am SO proud of him. It's so fun being a tennis player's wife!  Anyways!  Evan and his team have been playing hard in the off season.  They have gone to several tournaments (BYU Classic, Utah Invite, and Regionals in Las Vegas, and are playing in CA this week) Evan got the the finals in the BYU Classic, won the Utah Invite, and got to the semi finals at Regionals but had to default because he couldn't play in the finals on Sunday. Need I say? My husband is playing amazing!

My MacBook recently died on me :( and it has most of our pictures on there... Evan's folks were generous enough to send us one of their old computers so we can at least stay in touch with the world.  But that's all the pictures I have for now!

Evan and I are loving this whole marriage thing, and I promise I'll do a better job keeping you up to date on our lives! xoxo!

Sunday, September 5, 2010

the posh, posh, travelin' life!

In one of my favorite childhood movies, "Chitty Chitty Bang Bang", the minor character Grandpa Potts, always dressed in his safari gear, waiting for his big adventure, is mistaken for his eccentric, & goofy son, Caractucus Potts.  On most days, this wouldn't be a big deal.  But on this particular day (in the movie of course) it is.  His son, Caractucus the inventor, has recently created a magical, flying car, colorfully named Chitty Chitty Bang Bang.  Word of this amazing car reaches the greedy, & ruthless Baron Bomburst, ruler of Vulgeria.  Naturally, the Baron must have his own flying car, so he sends his men to kidnap the inventor.  Here's where the mistake happens.  These conniving men kidnap Grandpa instead of Caractucus.

So here you have this elderly man, sitting in his outhouse/cabin when suddenly he & his cabin are hoist into the air by a giant blimp sent by Baron Bomburst. Now of course there is a moment of panic, but rather than lingering in that panic, grandpa opens the door to his cabin as he flies through the air and sings:

"this is livin', this is style, this is elegance by the mile. oh the posh posh travelin' life, the travelin' life for me.  first cabin and captain's table regal company. whenever I'm bored I travel abroad but ever so properly. port out! starboard home! posh with a capital P-O-S-H, posh."

If I were there and I heard him singing this I probably would have said something like: "Posh? Really Grandpa? You are flying around in your outhouse. Yeah, real posh."
But nothing that anyone might have said in that situation would phase him. Whether it really was "posh traveling" or not, it was the adventure that he had always dreamed of.  And the adventure that he never thought he would get. Grandpa Potts could not have been happier.  

On August 14, 2010 we started the greatest adventure of our lives. Sure, we're poor college students, living in a one bedroom apartment and filling our stomachs with frozen pizza, toquitos, and ramen... But we couldn't be happier. We have both dreamt about our greatest adventure (marriage), but I don't think either of us ever imagined how amazing it would be.  We are two people that could not be more in love or more excited to see what God has in store for our lives together.

"oh the posh, posh married life, the married life for us..."